Have you always wanted to own a business so you can leave your 9-to-5 job and become your own boss, but feel held back by your low capital, poor credit, and zero credentials? Here’s your chance…

Discover Why It's Easier To Buy Profitable Businesses In 2025 From Motivated Sellers Using This ‘Hack’ to Unlock Instant Passive Income

Build your own empire of self-serve businesses that generate income even while you sleep, so you can stop trading your time for money and start taking back control of your life.

What Is This Book About?

After years of dreading my 9-to-5 job that doesn’t even cover my needs, I was done. I needed a way out.

But, with no capital, good credit, and none of the credentials banks demanded for a loan, I felt hopeless.

Until… I’ve discovered a simple ‘hack’ that allowed me to buy self-serve businesses that generate income even without my presence, with little to no effort on my end, and no involvement of these predatory banks. This value-packed, actionable book details exactly how to do it for yourself, step-by-step, so you too can make your dreams of owning a business come true.
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The System Is Rigged AGAINST Us. But Now, There’s A Way to Finally Win In Life

If you’ve ever been poor like I have, you know the feeling of constantly worrying about putting food on the table, paying overdue rent, and seeing unpaid bills piling up.

Combine that with having to work a soul-sucking, dead-end 9-to-5 job with bosses that don’t respect you, just to scrape by is exhausting.

It’s suffocating.

Even if you want to start your own business to escape, the system is rigged against you. Without enough savings, you need a bank loan for your capital. For that, you need good credit and a solid credential - neither of which you have because of the very system you’re trying to escape.

Can you imagine living like that for the rest of your life…

…Working to make others rich while missing out on time with your family and never having anything to leave for your kids?

Well, life doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

Because I’ve found a way for people like us to finally win in life, even when the system is stacked against us.

And that is by learning how to acquire self-serve businesses that generate passive income even while you work your 9-to-5 job and while you sleep, all without needing capital, or getting a loan from predatory banks.

In this book, I have shared the step-by-step process to make that happen, just like how I did it, and how I’ve taught dozens of other people to do the same thing.

And now, you have a chance to learn how to do it yourself, and win against the system.

BONUS 1: Property Hunting Training Video (Valued at $97)

Learn the exact steps we take to hunt for and locate local businesses that are earning $5,000 - $9,000 a month AND are open to selling their property!

BONUS 2: Access to My Private Mastermind Coaching Video Call (Valued at $997)

Watch me break down how I buy businesses using a unique financing strategy, to own income-generating business without spending my own money!
Get Your Copy of The Profitable Purchases: How to Buy and Grow Self-Serve Businesses for Passive Income For Just $9.95!

This is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

Now, this is not a ‘silver bullet’ that can magically make you rich overnight without effort. In fact, if you want to get any results out of this book, you would have to work your ass off, especially in the beginning.
So, DO NOT buy this book if you are:
 Looking for a way to get rich overnight
 Not willing to put in the work and take action
 Always making excuses for your failures
If you’re any of the above, this book is not for you.

However, if you are:

Eager to do what it takes to win
 Doesn’t give up easily and quickly
 Ready to put in the work, if the work makes sense
Always looking for solutions instead of problems
Then this book is perfect for you…


And right now, at 25, I already been in business for 4 years, and own 9 different income streams that generates money even as I’m busy writing this.

But it hasn’t always been like this.

Like most people, I’ve had to try and make ends meet through my soul-sucking 9-to-5 job. I had to work double-shifts or take two jobs just to catch up with my rapidly growing list of bills to pay, and to put food on the table, even just for myself.

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in life. All I know is I wanted to be rich.

Despite reading dozens of books, I still don’t have a concrete escape plan. It was all wishful thinking.

After all, how can I leave to start my own business if I don’t have a capital or a good credit rating and credentials to secure a loan?

But one day, I just decided I couldn’t take it anymore, and I actively searched for ways to get out of the rat race, regardless of the hand I’ve been dealt with.

And after some time, I found out about this method of buying businesses with zero capital and that doesn’t require a good credit rating, or any credentials.

So, I bought my first self-serve car wash, and the rest is history.

Nowadays, I spend most of my time thinking of more ways to make more money, looking for more businesses to buy, or making sure my businesses are running perfectly even without me present.

I’ve been blessed to experience all of these, and that’s why I made it my mission to give back to the community and help other people who are in the same shoes I once was, to get where I am today.

So far, I’ve helped dozens of people accomplish the same feat. In fact, just the last 10 months alone, 10 of my mentees have bought businesses in the last 10 months, and two of them now making six figures!

And now, I want to help more people win against the system, and to be rich despite having the odds stacked against them, using this book.

And if you read and implement what I teach in this book, you too can win.

Today, Owning A Business Is Just a Matter of Taking Action

Buying and owning a business has always been out of reach for many of us who weren’t lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family.

With the system rigged against us, it’s easier to accept a fate of being an underpaid and overworked employee all our lives, than it is to believe we can someday become business owners.
But times are changing.

And now, you can truly become a business owner, even if you think the odds are all against you!

It’s no longer a matter of your ‘qualifications’ and meeting the banks’ requirements.

Now, it’s simply a matter of taking action and doing what it takes to buy and build a business, without going through the traditional route.

Lucky for you, I’m here to teach you the ‘how’.

If Your Method Works, Why Are You Selling This Book Instead of Focusing on Your Businesses?

This is a question I hear from people who are skeptical of what I teach. And I don’t blame them! Because we’ve all been programmed to assume the opposite mindset - one that simply follows the rules, the status quo, and to take orders. And what I teach

But to answer that, I simply and truly just want to give back.

See, despite all my personal efforts, I also got tons of help from other people in one way or another, which led me to where I am today. At the same time, having been from the same situation, I feel like it is my duty to uplift others and help them achieve the same success I am blessed to have.

Now, the truth is, the price of this book barely covers all of the expenses that went into producing and distributing this book.
It is priced in a way that weeds out people who are looking for free information, but don’t have the discipline to actually put in the work…

While allowing action-takers to still get access to the book at a reasonable price.

That said, we’re not going to offer this book (and the bonuses that comes with it) at this price, forever. Soon, we’re planning on launching this again but this time on a larger scale, with a higher price tag.

So, if you’re one of the action-takers I’m referring to, and you’re ready to learn how to buy and grow your own business with zero capital, and zero bank involvement…

Click the link below to get your copy of my book today!

What Are People Saying About 
The Profitable Purchases:

        What's Inside?
        The Profitable Purchases: How to Buy and Grow Self-Serve Businesses for Passive Income book contains proven, actionable, and easy-to-follow steps to acquiring and growing self-serve businesses that don’t require a huge capital, a bank loan, or even good credit ratings.

        It’s divided into six short chapters, covering the most important aspects of this proven method, giving you a solid understanding of what to do, and why they work.
        • Chapter 1: Finding Businesses to Buy
        • ​Chapter 2: Running Your Businesses With Minimal Time and Effort
        • ​​​​Chapter 3: Running Your Business With Zero Sales & Business Experience
        • ​​​Chapter 4: Acquiring Businesses With Zero Capital
        • ​​​Chapter 5: Maximizing your new biz for the most $
        • ​​​Chapter 6: Rinse and Repeat
        Get Your Copy Of The Title of the ebook
        Get Your Copy Of The Title of the ebook and The Other Bonuses For Just $9.95!
        A Sneak Peek Of What You’ll Learn:
        • The Three Characteristics of a Business Model I Target (pg. 3)
        • ​The Three Types of Income You Can Earn (pg. 4)
        • ​My Three Methods for Finding Businesses to Buy (and why the last one is my favorite) (pg. 5-8)
        • ​How I Keep My Business Running Even With Only 20-30 (or even less!) Minutes of Work Every Day
        • ​How Much I Earned Just Overnight From My Very First Business (pg. 12)
        • ​The Financing Method You Need to Use to Buy a Business With Zero Cash (pg. 13)
        • ​How FAST Your New Business Can Be Transferred to Your Name (pg. 16)
        • ​Why The Selling Price Of The Business DOES NOT Matter (pg. 13)
        • ​Simple Ideas to Maximize Profit From Your Businesses (pg. 20)
        • ​And a LOT More!


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